Fitness & Wellness

Cardio Exercises to Do at Home

Frog Jump

Whether you want to use it for circuit training or do it at the end of a workout session, frog jumps are a high-intensity and great exercise to get the heart rate up in a short period of time. Keep in mind that it is a very advanced movement that would improve cardio endurance and lower body power. Also, you can burn up a lot of calories. Start with squatting down to the ground and put both hands in front of the body, touching the floor. Do an explosive jump in the air by pushing up from the floor. Make sure to engage the hamstrings, quads, and glutes. During the jump, you should tap both heels together and put the hands up in the air or behind your head. Land with both knees bent to protect your joints. Back to the initial position and repeat 10 to 20 times. [3]