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Common Facts about Hepatitis A


Hepatitis A is spread from person to person, through oral or fecal route, or by ingesting or drinking contaminated food or water. Tiny pieces of poop contaminated with the virus can cause an infection. Often, the virus adheres to open surfaces, fruits, vegetables, planted or harvested food, and shellfish. When a person comes in contact with the affected surface or eats contaminated foods, he/she is infected by the virus.

Other means of transmitting the virus include poor hygiene, drinking contaminated or unsafe water, or via sexual intercourse with an infected person (usually between men). Though the disease is uncommon in many developed countries, such as the United States, epidemics are not entirely canceled out. Cases of an outbreak in developed countries usually result from contact with persons who use illicit drugs, men who have sex with other men, or homeless people.

When an infected person doesn’t wash their hands after using the bathroom or toilet, they can spread the virus when they touch food with their hands. Caregivers of the Infected individual may spread the infection if they don’t wash their hands often (especially after handling the patient or any of their fluids). [4]