In the human body are hundreds of organs that aid the normal function of the body. Just a slight impairment to any of these organs can cause the body to begin to malfunction. One of those hundreds of organs is the pancreas- a long flat gland that is tucked behind the stomach in the upper abdomen. This organ produces enzymes that help digestion. A medical condition in which there is an inflammation in the pancreas (which can be caused by gallstones) is termed pancreatitis. [1]
Pancreatitis can occur as acute pancreatitis or chronic pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis appears suddenly and lasts for days; in fact, it can even go away on its own without treatment. Chronic pancreatitis on the other hand occurs and continues over many years. It can cause life-threatening complications if not treated as soon as possible. Pancreatitis has various symptoms. The severity of the symptoms depends on the type of pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis usually comes with more severe complications than acute pancreatitis.
Let us take a look at the signs and symptoms of this disease. The symptoms listed include symptoms that are universal to both types of pancreatitis and some that are specific to each type.
Upper Abdominal Pain
Upper abdominal pain is a symptom of both acute and chronic pancreatitis. The pancreas is tucked behind the stomach in the upper abdomen and when it is inflamed, it becomes all sore and painful. It is possible for the abdominal pain to spread to other parts of the body such that you feel it in your back also. Some abdominal pains get better after eating, but for this pancreatitis symptoms, it worsens after you have eaten. The severity of this pain can render you disabled and inactive such that all you do all day is to lie down. Also, the inflamed pancreas can put pressure on the organs around the pancreas, causing pain. [2]