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Common Facts about Hepatitis A

Common Symptoms

Infected people must not necessarily experience a symptom of Hepatitis A, although most adults do. Chances of suffering complications of the infection increase with age, but children rarely experience symptoms. Hepatitis A has an incubation period of about 28 days, according to the World Health Organization. This implies that the virus may be present in a person for up to four weeks before it manifests with noticeable signs and symptoms.

Common symptoms of the disease include loss of appetite and weight, feeling sick more often, tiredness and general fatigue, fever, muscle and joint pain, pain around the upper right part of your tummy, pale stool, and dark urine, jaundice (evident with yellowish skin and eye), vomiting and diarrhea, and itchy sensation on the skin. An infected person may not have all the aforesaid symptoms.

The symptoms usually go away after a few weeks (up to 2 months), but it keeps recurring from time to time in some cases. This acute episode of the disease usually precedes total recovery.[5]