Ailments & ConditionsFood & Nutrition

12 Good & Bad Foods For Bladder Health

Avoid Eating Citrus Fruits and Juices

Wondering what other food items lead to bladder irritation, you staring at it – your breakfast table. Yes! Juices and fruits tend to exacerbate incontinence since they have a pH that is acidic. In this category, you will find pineapples, lemons, oranges, limes, and grapefruits.

Although we don’t often address tomatoes as fruit, technically speaking they are. I know you might have guessed that talking about tomato means they can irritate your bladder symptoms. Definitely, they are another example of acidic fruits not only in juice or are forms. Consuming any of the following ketchup, tomato paste, chill sauce, and spaghetti sauce can result in leakage problems. [4]