Your Health

Yin Yoga Poses to Calm and Restore

Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose

Legs-up-the-wall pose can be effective in improving relaxation, promoting circulation, and restoring energy levels. To do this pose, you need to put a blanket or cushion under the hips. Sit with the left side of the body close to the wall. Swing the legs up against the wall while turning to lie on the back. Keep the hips up against or close to the wall. Put the arms along the body or overhead, or put the hands on the thighs, belly, or chest. Stay in this position for 15 minutes. [3]

Corpse Pose

The corpse pose mainly targets the arms and chest to promote relaxation. To start, you need to lie on the back and let your arms rest along the body. Keep both palms facing up. Try to rest and relax the whole body to release muscular tension. Stay in this position for up to 10 minutes. If possible, you may want to consider the pentacle, a wider version of the corpse pose. You may do this easily by taking the arms wide overhead and moving the feet beyond the hips. [4]