Food & NutritionYour Health

Four Great Food Combos for Weight Loss

Examples of Great Food Combos for Weight Loss

Good food combinations work well for weight loss, so eat smart with the following advice!

Avocado & Dark Leafy Greens

Typical dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, collards, Swiss chards, and arugula are high in fiber folate and carotenoids. They are also a great source of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, minerals iron, and calcium. One cup (36 grams) of dark leafy greens only consists of 5-40 calories. Therefore it is an ideal food for weight loss. However, many people might notice consuming dark leafy veggies doesn’t fill them up. The reason is that dark green vegetables are primarily made of air and water. After chewing and swallowing down, you have little left in the stomach. Besides, dark green vegetables are not calorie-dense, making people more prone to hunger. Given all this, adding avocados can be a good solution to increase satiety. Avocados have monounsaturated fat that can stave off hunger and makes you feel full longer. [3]