Your Health

Drinking Alcohol after a Workout – Is It Bad for You

Negative Effects of Alcohol after a Workout

Worsen Injuries

Exercise leads to metabolic changes in the blood. These changes remain balanced during a workout, but become imbalanced afterwards and affect natural recovery of the body. Other healing abilities, such as blood clotting, may also be inhibited. As a result, any injuries, even simple bruises, which may heal more slowly or even become worse. Alcohol consumption after a workout could lead to additional swelling as well in certain tissues of the body. This is because the drinks would make blood vessels open up, thus worsening injuries. [2]

Increase Dehydration Risk

One of the biggest concerns of post-exercise alcohol consumption is dehydration. In general, alcohol is a diuretic, which means that it triggers the body to release more fluids. That’s why people tend to visit the bathroom more frequently when drinking. During exercises, particularly in hot weather or at high intensities, the body also loses a large number of electrolytes and fluids from sweating. At the same time, the blood volume may be reduced as the body cools off. Drinking alcohol may worsen this loss of fluids and increase the risk of dehydration, which may lead to further health issues. [3]