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Top 10 Causes of Shoulder Pain


Osteoarthritis is the disease-causing the breakdown of joints. Shoulder arthritis is relatively uncommon and is usually preceded by an injury to the arm, neck, or shoulder that occurred years before. Osteoarthritis occurs when cartilage, which is the cushioning material that covers the ends of your bones, deteriorates, which leads to pain and stiffness patients with osteoarthritis usually lose their ability to touch their back. This is because as osteoarthritis worsens, stiffness in the shoulder develops which cause a lot of hindrances to performing this action. It creates a deep ache in the back of the shoulder.

Most patients of Osteoarthritis do not have a specific cause of it as it is just normal wear and tear over time. And sometime Osteoarthritis symptoms develop over time. For some people, an old shoulder injury from sports or some other activity may kick off the degenerative process that years later results in osteoarthritis. [4]