Shiny and beautiful requires more than just a good conditioner and shampoo. Indeed, it typically starts on the inside with a balanced and healthy diet. To ensure the best conditions of your hair, you need to provide the body with some essential nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D, biotin, calcium, zinc, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein. It seems like too many minerals and vitamins, but they can be found in some common foods and drinks. Read on to learn 10 foods that can make your hair look healthy.
Berries are high in many vitamins and beneficial compounds that might help promote your hair. These might include vitamin C, which is loaded with many powerful antioxidant components. Those substances can help prevent free radicals from damaging your hair follicles. 1 typical cup or 145 grams of strawberries, for instance, can provide up to 140 percent of your daily vitamin C need. In addition, vitamin C is necessary for generating collagen, a type of protein that can boost hair strength and prevent it from becoming breaking and brittle. Consuming cherries regularly can also help improve the absorption of iron in your daily diet, thus reducing the risks of hair loss. [1]