Your Health

Tumescent Liposuction Benefits, Precautions, Pictures, and More

Preparation for Tumescent Liposuction

If you plan to have tumescent liposuction, you first need to find a plastic or dermatologic surgeon. It is necessary to set your goals and find out whether it is the best option for your needs. Before starting, the surgeon will examine the areas and skin that will be contoured. After that, a comprehensive physical exam is conducted. You need to inform about your medical history, including taking medications or supplements, previous surgeries, and previous or existing health issues. Some photos can be taken before and after tumescent liposuction for a comparison of results. Some specific instructions should be followed before surgery starts. These include:

– Stop smoking at least 2 weeks before the procedure as smoking may slow down healing

– Avoid drinking or eating after midnight the day before surgery

– Take medications prescribed by the doctor before surgery

– Avoid removing or shaving the hair around the contoured areas right before surgery

– Put on loose-fitting clothing for easy access [3]