Fitness & WellnessFood & Nutrition

Top 10 Natural Treatment for COPD


Ginseng is a traditional root herb grown by the Chinese and it has been used as medicine for centuries. There are different types of this herb and they vary in their concentration of active compounds and effects on the body. One of the types of ginseng is the American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) which is a relaxing agent and contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Since COPD is as a result of inflammation of the lungs, consuming ginseng will suppress the inflammation. Asides this, ginseng has been researched to improve calmness, reduce fatigue and promote energy. Just so you know, fatigue, disorientation, and confusion are the end-stage symptoms of COPD. Ginseng can be consumed raw. You can also steam it to soften it, stew it in water as tea or add it as a spice to foods. Ginseng can be processed into different forms like powder, tablet, capsule or oil. It is a very effective herbal supplement but excess consumption can reduce its benefits. [4]