Your Health

Hypersensitivity Syndrome – Symptoms, Causes & More

Risk Factors for Hypersensitivity Syndrome

Scientists have found that certain genetic factors play a part in the development of hypersensitivity syndrome. However, genetics are not the only risk factors. You can be at a higher risk of this condition when:

– You have a history of collagen rheumatic or rheumatic condition

– You have experienced a viral infection, particularly herpes zoster, in the last several weeks

– You are over 20 years old

– You have to take antibiotics on a regular basis to treat a disease [7]

Physical Exam for Diagnosing Hypersensitivity Syndrome

To diagnose hypersensitivity syndrome, your doctor may need to examine the clinical features, including organ involvement, extensive skin rash, and high fever. Some tests can be done as well to measure liver function and eosinophilia. In general, potential cases of hypersensitivity syndrome require at least three of the following criteria: acute skin rash, drug-related reactions, hospitalization, enlarged lymph nodes at two areas, abnormal blood count, involvement of at least 1 internal organ. More importantly, your doctor needs to ask several questions about the medications or drugs that you have taken recently. A link between the onset of symptoms and medicine use may be the strongest proof. Patch testing may be a good option to verify which medication has led to hypersensitivity syndrome. However, the accuracy of this procedure is not the same for different drugs.  [8]