Food & NutritionYour Health

10 Health Benefits of Beets

Aids Liver Detoxification

In the human body, the liver is a vital, large and solid organ that performs hundreds of tasks. In fact, some medical studies show that the liver alone performs more than 500 tasks; and not just any task, essential ones at that. With this mind-blowing fact, it’s no argument that the liver needs adequate care for our bodies to keep functioning correctly and efficiently. Interestingly, beet is one amazing “detoxifier” of the liver. What do I mean by that? The liver is an organ that filters and removes poisonous substances or toxins from the blood before it is being circulated in the body. In other words, your liver chooses what is beneficial to your body and what is not. It then gets rid of the ones not beneficial. This process can be aided and made smooth by consuming foods such as beet. [3]