Food & Nutrition

Quinoa vs Rice – Which is More Nutritious?

Which Is More Nutritious?

Though rice has been the most preferred and widely consumed grain, Quinoa has been seen as a healthy alternative to the cereal. We now move to the benefits of Quinoa.

It’s a complete protein.

For such a tiny seed, Quinoa has a lot of protein: One cup cooked has 8 grams. Quinoa is one of the few plant sources of complete protein. This means it contains all nine of the essential amino acids your body needs. Even so, Quinoa is higher in calories than other protein sources.

It’s gluten-free.

Quinoa is naturally gluten-free. Keep in mind that some brands may become cross-contaminated with other grains such as wheat during processing. If you have celiac disease or you’re sensitive to gluten, only use brands that are certified gluten-free.

It’s high in fiber.

One cup of Quinoa contains 5 grams of dietary fiber, which is more than white or brown rice. Fiber helps prevent constipation, helps control blood sugar levels, and may help lower cholesterol. Fiber also helps you maintain a healthy weight by making you feel fuller longer, so you’re less likely to overeat. [1]

Now we move to the health benefits of rice.

It’s naturally gluten-free.

Like Quinoa, rice is a great option if you’re on a gluten-free diet. Beware of flavored rice or the rice used in sushi; they may contain gluten ingredients.

It’s easy to digest.

White rice is known for being easy on the tummy. It’s part of the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast). This is a bland food diet that is sometimes suggested after you have vomiting or diarrhea

It may promote weight loss.

Like Quinoa, brown rice is higher in fiber than many other refined carbohydrates and may help you lose weight by making you feel fuller longer. One study showed that simply adding more fiber to your diet may help some people who have difficulty following other diets lose weight. Another study found that eating brown rice instead of white rice helped reduce dangerous abdominal fat. This may be due to brown rice being low on the glycemic index (meaning it doesn’t spike your blood sugar). [2]

White and brown rice, when cooked, contain five grams per cup while Quinoa, when cooked, contains eight grams per cup. On the other hand, while Quinoa contains 222 calories, brown rice contains 218 calories.

Both grains are nutritious, and either or both can be eaten for health benefits.