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Knee Pain When Squatting – Causes, Treatment And More

Home Remedies and Treatment Options for Knee Pain When Squatting


Many OTC medications can help alleviate knee pain when squatting. A good option for inflammation and discomfort can be nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs, such as naproxen or ibuprofen. In case you cannot take NSAIDs, consider using some pain-relief products, such as gels and creams. Keep in mind the possible side effects of these drugs and medications. Also, make sure to take the right dosages to prevent possible complications. [8]

Low-Impact Activities

If knee pain occurs, you may have to change the daily routine and avoid high-impact activities. Consider temporarily stopping or limiting physical activities or tasks that make you feel uncomfortable. Instead, go for low-impact options, such as cycling, aqua jogging, aqua aerobics, or swimming. This may reduce pressure on your knee and give this part more time to recover from an injury or strain. [9]