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Knee Pain When Squatting – Causes, Treatment And More


Tendons are tissues that attach a muscle to other body parts, such as bones. When you overuse or strain these parts, tendonitis may occur and cause swelling or pain around the knee. The condition is more common in people involving repetitive movements that put a lot of pressure on the tendons. Thus, if your manual labor job or sport requires these movements, it is better to take proper preventive measures to avoid knee pain and further complications. [5]

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

The iliotibial or IT band is a tissue that runs along the upper leg between the knee and the hip. It moves to support the knee when you are bending. IT band syndrome is a condition that may cause this part to become inflamed. As a result, the band would rub on your outer knee and lead to pain, particularly during movements involving the joints like squatting. The condition is more common in runners. To reduce the risk, it is advisable to stretch and warm up properly before doing exercises. [6]

Torn Cartilage or Tendon

Another possible cause of knee pain when squatting is a torn cartilage or tendon. It may occur as a result of a serious sprain or injury. After a tear, you need to wear a support device during exercises or sports. Possible signs include tenderness, pain, a moving kneecap, knee buckling, trouble walking, as well as an indentation under the kneecap. Many treatment options are available, depending on the size and location of the tear. In mild cases, physiotherapy is sufficient, but a surgical procedure might be often necessary. [7]