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Home Remedies to Cope with Headaches

How to cope with headaches at home?

Medicine could give you temporary relief, but it also brings medicine interactions in your body, causing some unpleasant problems and possible complications like stomach upset, diarrhea, drowsiness, and rash. To get rid of a headache without taking medicine that causes unwelcomed side effects, home remedies to deal with headaches have become an increasingly popular practice.

Trying a cold pack or a hot compress

Most people get confused and they often could not tell when to use ice and when to use heat. The heat and ice methods are used to treat different conditions. Ice treatment helps reduce swelling, therefore, it is recommended for cluster headache. Put the cubed ice inside an ice bag and apply it to your affected area. If you don’t have a cold pack, wrap ice cubes in a towel to prevent frostbite. Control the cold therapy time in 15 minutes, and then take a break before reapplying it. Though heat treatment is not scientifically proved to be useful with headaches, some people do find it soothes migraine and tension headaches. By helping loosen tissue and stimulate the blood flow, heat treatment discourages the onset of dull or throbbing pain. [5]