Restless leg syndrome is a neurological condition. It is characterized by unpleasant sensations in your legs and an urge to move these parts. Symptoms become more intense when you try to sleep or are relaxed. This would disrupt sleep and lead to extreme fatigue or daytime sleepiness. The disorder can happen at any age, but it is often more serious in middle age. More cases are reported in women than in men. Restless leg syndrome is a lifelong illness with no cure. However, medications would help control symptoms. Below are some common triggers that you should know to take preventive measures.
Not all conditions that might cause restless legs syndrome are disorders. In fact, pregnancy would increase both the degree and incidence of the symptoms. Many studies have suggested that the risk of developing the condition among pregnant people can range from 10 percent up to 30 percent. The good news is that these signs can improve quickly after delivery. However, it is still unknown the exact cause of the higher risk of restless leg syndrome during pregnancy. Some scientists believe that it might be associated with a deficiency of folate or iron or hormonal fluctuations during this period.[1]