Ailments & Conditions

Common Causes of Plaque Psoriasis

Medications & Obesity

Some medications or drugs may lead to the symptoms of plaque psoriasis. These include lipid-lowering medications, calcium channel blockers, anti-malaria drugs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, beta-blockers, and lithium. They might not affect all individuals with the condition in the same way. Also, the sudden stop of topical corticosteroids, which are used for treating psoriasis could result in a “rebound” effect and subsequently cause a serious flare. Thus, it is always advisable to tape off corticosteroids gradually by following the guidance of your healthcare provider. [4]

Obesity is a major risk factor for developing plaque psoriasis in the skin folds. The exact cause is still unknown. However, a recent study suggests that the excessive buildup of fat might cause the body to produce more cytokines, which are inflammatory proteins. They trigger inflammation and worsen the symptoms. Moreover, these proteins would speed up the formation of plaques in the skin folds where fat tends to build up the most. [5]