Your Health

Shadow Work – The Ultimate Guide

Shadow Repression

Trying to hide your shadow parts is seen as a way of repression. It is like you are aware of the problem but makes an attempt to prevent the body from coping with it. According to psychologists and mental health experts, this would lead to several consequences. These include increased stress, negative thoughts and behaviors, mental health issues (anxiety and depression), or alcohol and drug abuse. In the long run, shadow repression may severely affect your lives. People with this problem tend to lose direction in life, which eventually leads to wrong relationships or decisions. [3]

What to Know Before Starting Shadow Work

Shadow work takes time as beginners need to become aware of their internal emotions, which they tend to stay away from. During this procedure, they need to make an attempt to recognize these feelings and reactions. Those people who have been trying this technique for a long time might be better at it than others. A useful tip is to record exact times of the day when they experience strong emotions as well as their triggers. Some typical signs can help them realize that, such as chest tightness or gut punch. By doing this, it is possible to notice patterns and make proper changes. [4]