All tissues and organs of the human body require an adequate and constant supply of blood to function at their best. There is no denying that the human brain is one of the most sophisticated of any living creature. Also, it controls a larger percentage of all activities of the body. Like all other cells, the brain cells require a steady blood supply, else they begin to act up. When brain cells act up, a mental problem is imminent. Lack of adequate blood flow to the brain has been linked to mental health dysfunctions, such as anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, Alzheimer’s, dementia, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder. [1]
The significance of maintaining a good level of blood circulation in the brain can’t be overstated. It is evident in the percentage of the total cardiac output that goes into the brain each minute, which is about 20 percent. If this is disrupted for a few seconds to a minute, fainting may even occur. For this reason, many researchers have taken studies in the concept of cerebral (brain) blood flow. According to these studies, one can increase blood supply to their brain through certain methods, foods, and activities. The idea of increasing the streaming of blood through the cerebral circulation also ensures an equivalent rise in oxygen, glucose, and nutrient levels in the brain. All these are required for the normal functioning of the nervous system.