Fitness & WellnessFood & Nutrition

15 Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Fight HIV Virus

HIV is a dangerous virus which can slowly break down the immune system and eventually result in AIDS, a deadly disease, if untreated. Cinnamon extracts from Cassia, as well as Indian varieties, can be a powerful option to fight against HIV-1, a common type of the HIV virus and protect your body cells from being infected. In addition, many tests in the lab have shown that Cardiospermum halicacabum or cinnamon fruit and shoot, as well as cinnamon bark or Cinnamomum cassia, or cinnamon bark, are the main parts which help with HIV activity reductions. But keep in mind that this doesn’t necessarily mean that those foods which contain cinnamon could prevent or treat HIV. Instead, cinnamon extracts should only be used as a part of the therapy. [13]