Occipital neuralgia is a form of chronic headache disorder that affects the occipital nerves. It happens when the pain starts from the occipital area and radiates to these nerves, which run between the scalp and the top of the spinal cord. Unlike migraines or usual headaches, the condition would be triggered quickly. The pain can be sharp, intense, and last from several seconds to several minutes. Read on to learn 12 natural relief tips for occipital neuralgia.
Neck Massage
Occipital neuralgia is often caused when there is neck tension. To relieve the pain or discomfort, you can simply give yourself a massage around this area. Use your fingertips to apply gentle pressure around the base of the skull. This simple move could be effective in releasing tension and calming tight muscles. Another option is to lie down on the back with a rolled towel under your neck or head. The pressure from this towel can give you the same effects as a massage. If you do not feel improvement, it is better to stop and try other methods. [1]