Hip bursitis is a medical condition that causes inflammation in the bursa. Located in the hip, these fluid-fill sacs play a key role in providing cushion and reducing friction between soft tissue and bone during movement. The condition is common in people who do a lot of sports or physical activities due to the irritation and overuse of the bursa. Below are typical symptoms of hip bursitis that you should know to get proper medical treatment.
Hip Tenderness
Hip tenderness is one of the most common signs of hip bursitis. You may use the fingertips and gently press on the outside and inside of the thigh to look for tender areas at the hip’s bony point. In some cases, there may be pain in the groin area or outside of the thigh. This symptom occurs when inflammation causes swelling in the affected part. As a result, you may find it much more difficult to move these areas and perform simple tasks in the daily life. [1]