Ailments & ConditionsYour Health

10 Causes of Heartburn You Need to Know


Smokers are more likely to suffer from heartburn than non-smokers. When the ring of the muscle in the lower esophagus relaxes, acid can trickle up and cause that burning sensation. Nicotine, which is present in tobacco relaxes the ring of muscle in the lower esophagus that keeps acid in the stomach where it belongs. Smoking causes the esophageal sphincter to relax too much, resulting in the acid splashing back into the esophagus and causing heartburn.

Also, smoking leads to dysregulation of saliva production. Saliva has chemicals called bicarbonates that help neutralize and offset the stomach acids when swallowed. Smoking can cause your mouth to make less spit which might mean more heartburn symptoms.

Besides, smoking triggers your stomach to make more acid which increases the risk of reflux of gastric juice to the esophagus.

When there is insufficient digestion, the food remains unprocessed. The longer the food and acid stay in the digestive tract, the higher the chance of acid reflux. Since smokers are known to have slow digestion, they stand a higher chance of having experience heartburn. You may want to cut down on cigarettes if you experience heartburn. [2]