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What Is Vitamin K Good For? Uses & Benefits

Vitamin K1 Versus Vitamin K2

Both vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 can activate proteins needed for bone health, heart health, and blood clotting. Nevertheless, they may bring different effects on overall health due to differences in the transport and absorption of tissues in the body. Vitamin K1 can be mainly found in plants. No more than 10 percent of vitamin K1 in food is absorbed. Vitamin K2, on the other hand, naturally occurs in fat-containing products and can be absorbed better as vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin.

Also, vitamin K2 has a long-side chain, making it easier to circulate in the blood than vitamin K1. While vitamin K1 can be retained for only a few hours in the blood, the body may keep vitamin K2 for several days. This longer time of circulations allows vitamin K2 to be used better in body tissues. Vitamin K1 is mainly transported to the liver and used here. These differences explain their roles in body functions. [6]