Your Health

The Benefits of Taking a Bath

Improve Heart Health

Bathing in water with too high temperature may put more strain on your heart. This can be particularly dangerous for people with an existing heart issue. However, if you take a warm bath, it can be a good way to improve your heart health. Suitable water temperatures can increase the heartbeat and work as a workout session. This may help improve the circulation of blood and oxygen to other body parts, which subsequently boosts vessels’ function and makes your blood less viscous. If you have a cardiovascular issue, a warm bath could improve cardiac function and reduce blood pressure. [3]

Optimize Body Temperature

Bathing can be an effective, relaxing, and quick option to optimize body temperature. You can warm up the whole body with a hot bath during the winter. And on a hot summer day, submerging yourself in cool water is definitely the best way to cool off. Whether in hot or cold water, bathing can make the temperature of one’s body become stable. However, if you have an existing disease or heart issue, make sure to consult your doctor before starting. [4]