Your Health

Shoulderstand – What You Need to Know

Common Mistakes & Cautions

The key to performing a shoulderstand pose is to keep the torso and legs aligned. You should spend time to make proper changes to achieve this right posture. Most people, especially beginners often stick out their butts and keep the feet over the foreheads rather than the hips. This would throw off the entire pose. To avoid it, you should tuck the shoulder blades firmly on the back and keep the heels over the hips. [4]

People with high blood pressure, headaches, diarrhea, or glaucoma should avoid the shoulderstand. The same goes for those who had a stroke, chronic neck pain, or neck injury recently. Women during menstruation should ask their instructor before starting. Pregnant women may perform the pose if they have done it long enough. Otherwise, do not start it until 8 weeks after you give birth. Another thing to keep in mind is to avoid learning the pose yourself. Instead, it is better to seek help from a qualified teacher who can show you the right steps to do it right and prevent injuries. Last but not least, always practice within your own ranges of abilities and limits. [5]