Your Health

Best Exercises for Patellar Tendinopathy

Step Down

Step-down is the opposite exercise of step-up. Start with standing on a footstool or a thick book. Step down with the good leg slowly so that the heel can touch the ground lightly. While doing this, make sure the trained knee is aligned with the middle toe. Return to the initial position and put both feet on the ground. If you cannot stand steadily, consider holding on to a wall or chair. Repeat 8 to 10 times for each set. [4]

Straight-Leg Raises

Start with lying on the back. You need to bend the good knee to keep the foot flat on the ground. The other knee should be kept straight. Next, press the back of the knee down to the ground to tighten the affected leg’s thigh muscles. Make sure to keep the knee straight. The leg should be straight and thigh muscles should be tight. Lift up the leg to keep the heel 30 cm off the floor. Stay for 6 seconds before lowering the leg slowly. Rest for a few seconds and repeat 8 to 10 times for each set. [5]