Your Health

10 Tricks to Make Your Hair Look Super Shiny and Healthy

Air Dry Instead of Heat Dry and Scalp Massage

Avoid drying your hair with heat because high temperature may cause damage to the hair shaft. If you do it regularly, your hair may become dull over time. The best approach is to let your hair dry naturally. Avoid any devices that use heat, from hair dryers and curling irons to hot rollers and straightening irons. If you want to use them, make sure to apply a heat protectant serum to reduce the risk of damages. [3]

Massage the scalp may boost the circulation of blood to the hair follicles. This may help improve hair health. A recent study has shown that a 4-minute scalp massage on a daily basis would increase hair strength and thickness over time. You can do this easily at home by using the fingertips to apply pressure in circular movements. There are also some scalp massagers available on the market, which can stimulate the scalp. It is possible to massage the scalp when your hair is either wet or dry. [4]