Ailments & Conditions

Shigellosis(Shigella) Fact Sheet

Signs and Symptoms of Shigellosis

The main sign of shigellosis are frequent spells of watery diarrhea, which indicates an underlying problem with the digestive system. Vomiting, nausea, and abdominal pain would happen as well. Many people with this infection may notice either mucus or blood in the stool. And a fever would occur when the immune system is trying to fight off the bacteria. These symptoms typically start within one or two days after you come in contact with the bacteria. They may last between 5 to 7 days and then subside without medical attention. However, Shigella bacteria can still be present in the stool for a few weeks and be passed to other people even when you become better. It is important to drink enough water to keep the body hydrated when you have diarrhea. If the problem persists more than 3 days, inform your healthcare provider to get proper treatments and prevent further complications. [3]