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New Treatments for Depression


Neuromodulation is the use of a stimulus on some particular neurological areas to change nerve activity. In other words, it involves the selective application of electricity in specific patterns to alter the activity in your brain cells. There are a few neuromodulation technologies available. Some of them are approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treating depression, including repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation or TMS and vagal nerve stimulation.

TMS makes use of Ampere’s Law, a basic law of physics in electricity and magnetism. With externally-placed electromagnets, the technique can produce weak electrical currents inside the brain tissue to stimulate nerve cells. This eliminates the need for electrodes, surgery, or any implanted brain hardware.

Keep in mind that those who receive neuromodulation do not improve immediately. This is because the effect does not come from electrical stimulation. Instead, a delayed alteration in your brain cells after this stimulation is responsible for the improvement in mood. [3]