Ailments & Conditions

Muscle Cramp: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

Causes and Risk Factors of Muscle Cramps

A muscle cramp may be caused by dehydration, overuse of muscles, muscle strain, or staying in a position for an extended period. Nevertheless, the cause may be not clear in many cases. While most cases are harmless, muscle cramps may be an indication of an underlying disease. These include:

– A mineral deficiency: When the body does not get sufficient magnesium, calcium, or potassium, leg cramps may occur. Diuretics used for treating high blood pressure may deplete these components as well.

– Nerve compression: When nerves in the spine are compressed, it may also cause leg cramps. The pain tends to become worse after walking a long distance.

– Lack of blood supply: When the arteries transporting blood to the legs are narrowed, muscle cramps may occur, especially when you are working out. These issues tend to disappear quickly after the exercise. [5]

Certain risk factors may increase the risk of developing muscle cramps. These include:

– Pregnancy: The health problem is more common in pregnant women

– Age: When people get age, it tends to lead to the loss of muscle mass. As a result, the remaining muscle would be overstressed more easily

– Medical conditions: Some disease could increase the risk of muscle cramps, such as thyroid, liver, nerve disorders, or diabetes

– Dehydration: Those who are dehydrated and fatigued during physical activities tend to have muscle cramps [6]