Ailments & Conditions

Muscle Cramp: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

Symptoms of Muscle Cramp and When to Visit a Doctor

A leg cramp tends to lass no more than 1 minute, but it would persist for a few minutes before the contractions end. Some common signs include a quivering sensation in your muscles, uncontrollable muscle contraction, persistent fatigue and aches after muscle relaxation, or a sharp and sudden pain, especially in the back of your leg. In some individuals, muscle cramps may happen at night, making them awaken from sleep. More severe cases could lead to persistent pain in a few days. If typical home remedies do not improve the symptoms, visit your healthcare provider to get better treatments. [3]

Muscle cramps are generally harmless. They tend to last a couple of seconds to a couple of minutes before disappear on their own. Most cases are not serious enough to need medical emergency. However, you should visit a healthcare provider if muscle cramps:

– Do not improve with home remedies

– Happen quite frequently

– Are linked to muscle weakness

– Are linked to skin changes, redness, or leg swelling

– Lead to serious discomfort

– Are not linked to a clear trigger, such as strenuous exercise [4]