Ailments & ConditionsYour Health

Five Possible Causes of Morning Bloating

Causes of Temporary Bloating in the Morning

Reasons for morning bloating are numerous. If you occasionally experience stomach bloating in the morning, it’s probably due to your diet or lifestyle the day before. Factors like drinking plenty of soda water, consuming too many foods high in fiber or sodium, swallowing air from eating too fast, etc., can contribute to bloating the next day. [2]

Soda Water

Drinking too many carbonated drinks such as soda and seltzer can lead to gastrointestinal bloating in the short term because these beverages contain bubbles that can promote extra gas built up in your gut. The bloating symptom can get even worse when the carbonated drinks have artificial sweeteners like high-fructose corn syrup. So, the best way to treat morning bloating triggered by carbonated drinks is to limit their consumption.