Ailments & Conditions

Conjunctivitis – Prevention, Treatment & Diagnose

Common Treatments

When it comes to Conjunctivitis, the first thing to do is to avoid rubbing your eyes, since frequent eye rubbing can cause further irritation. Most cases can be treated at home. There are several home remedies including lubricating eye drops, cold compresses, and over-the-counter antihistamines like Benadryl. Identifying allergens that can cause your inflammation is critical to prevent future irritation. To help cut down on your exposure to outdoor allergens, it’s advisable to stay indoors and use air conditioning during high-allergen hours of the day in spring and summer.

Medical treatments

If your symptoms occur frequently or last longer than a few days, you can see a doctor and he will prescribe anti-inflammatory eye drops or antihistamines, depending on whether you have the bacterial or viral form of the infection.

Bacterial conjunctivitis

If you have bacterial conjunctivitis, you’ll need to see a doctor to get prescribed an antibiotic such as eye ointments or eye drops

Viral conjunctivitis

This form of conjunctivitis is much like viral colds and it needs to be self-limiting. It lasts anywhere from a few days to several weeks. It’s not responsive to antibiotics. Common treatments include antihistamines or decongestants, lubricating eye drops or ointment, hot or cold compresses, and so on.