Everyone tends to suffer from pink eye, with school-aged kids the most susceptible, because they are more likely to have close physical contact with other kids at school during the day. Adults who live with kids having pink eye also tend to be prime candidates for infection. Both bacterial and viral conjunctivitis are very robust. It is recommended that people should thoroughly wash their hands to prevent transmission. Generally, a doctor will ask about your medical history and examine your eye. If you are in the following cases, it’s advisable to see a doctor:
- The infected person is under 5 years old.
- Your vision is in any way reduced.
- The pus near your eye is green or yellow.
- Your cornea becomes opaque rather than clear.
If there is a mass of green or yellow pus near your eye, you can also see your primary care physician. They can evaluate your symptoms to tell whether antibiotics are needed, or not. They can also refer you to an ophthalmologist right away when it’s necessary.