Ailments & ConditionsYour Health

Amyloidosis Prognosis & Life Expectancy


To start the diagnosis, a doctor will ask several questions about your medical history and symptoms. Misdiagnosis is not uncommon because the signs are relatively similar to those of other health issues. Some additional tests can be performed to confirm the presence of amyloidosis. These include:

– Echocardiogram: make images of the heart with sound waves

– Biopsy: analyze a tissue sample from your abdomen, heart, kidneys, or liver to find out the kind of deposited amyloid

– Urine and blood tests: measure the levels of amyloid protein and examine your liver or thyroid function

– Bone marrow biopsy and aspiration: check for abnormal cells in your bones

Once a diagnosis has been made, protein electrophoresis or immunochemical staining can be taken to identify the type of amyloidosis you have. [3]