Ailments & Conditions

9 Common Causes of Appendicitis

Intestinal Worms and Appendix Stones

Parasitic or intestinal worms are the main form of intestinal parasites. They typically include round worms and flatworms. Many studies have suggested that some worms are found in the appendix and may be related to the development of appendicitis. Typical signs include bloating, gas, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, abdominal tenderness, unexplained weight loss, as well as fatigue. In some cases, people with intestinal worms might experience dysentery, an infection that triggers diarrhea with mucus and blood in the stool. [5]

Appendix stones or appendicoliths are calcified fecal deposits in the appendix. They are more prevalent in many children, especially in those with acute appendicitis. Sometimes, a doctor finds them accidentally through a CT or radiograph in the abdomen. In these cases, the stones tend to show up as an acoustic shadow in the right iliac fossa. While the cause of appendix stones is mostly unclear, some people reported a dislodged gallstone or an ingested foreign body in the gallbladder. [6]