Your Health

What Are Hangover Shakes and Tremors – Causes & Cure

Overview of Hangover Shakes

In some people who have hangovers after alcohol drinking, symptoms may progress further and cause hangover shakes. This may indicate that they have consumed too much and would even become dependent on the drink. It is perhaps the time where you may start to abuse alcohol and alcohol withdrawal may become hard. So if you notice any serious symptoms of a hangover that exceed typical signs, it is very important to visit a doctor to prevent further complications and reduce the risk of alcohol addiction or abuse. [2]

How Do Hangover Shakes Feel

Many alcohol drinks experience tremors and shakes when they have a hungover. The intensity and exact manifestation can vary from person to person. You tend to notice hangover shakes and tremors mostly in the fingers and hands. These problems may also occur in other parts of the body, such as the head, eyes, arms, or even voice. The time when the body experiences tremors and shakes can vary as well, depending on the body composition and the amount of alcohol consumed. In general, the more frequent you consume alcohol, the more frequent these symptoms may occur afterward.  [3]