Your Health

Ovulation Test – What You Need to Know

What Is Ovulation?

Ovulation occurs when an egg is released from the woman’s ovary. The egg will then move to the fallopian tube in which it would meet a sperm and get fertilized. Ovulation is controlled by the hypothalamus, which sends signals during the menstrual cycle to release certain hormones, including FSH and luteinizing. Tracking ovulation can be helpful in determining whether you get pregnant. Fortunately, there are certain tests available on the market for this purpose. Read on to learn more about them. [1]

Signs of Ovulation

When ovulation occurs, the reproductive system in women will send some signals, such as pain, higher body temperature, and cervical mucus like egg whites. Some other common signs include spotting or minor vaginal bleeding, cramps, breast tenderness, bloating, or increased sex drive. Pain during ovulation can be a dull ache or sharp pang. It may affect either part of the abdomen, depending on where the egg is released. [2]