Your Health

Insect and Bug Bite Identification


The best way to identify a tick bite is to look for an insect that is attached to your body. They may stay there for 3 to 6 days and feed on your blood. Tick bites tend to appear as a red spot the size of a dime. You usually find them on warmer areas of the body, such as the groin, behind the knees, armpits, or hairline. It can be rather painless and itchy at first. However, more serious symptoms may occur after a few days or weeks. A bullseye rash may indicate Lyme disease. [3]


Bee stings can vary from individual to individual. Some people may have a red, large welt, while others may have a light, small spot. There would be a white area in the middle of the sting. If you were bitten by a honey bee, the barbed stinger would be still attached and keep injecting venom into the body. You need to remove it to stop. There may be moderate pain, which tends to improve in several hours. In some cases, you may experience dangerous allergic reactions. Therefore, make sure to contact your healthcare provider if noticing any unusual signs. [4]