Food & NutritionYour Health

12 Foods That Stop Diarrhea

Steamed, Broiled Chicken or Lean Meat

There are some cases of diarrhea whereby you get to lose appetite and not feeding well, making you lack nutrients that the body needs to function properly. Also, having diarrhea can make it difficult to hold anything down in your stomach for an extended period; the more you try to eat, the more you rush to the bathroom to pass out all you have consumed. Hence, your body will be left with little or no nutrient. This is why a steamed, broiled chicken or lean meat is critical at times like this. Steamed white chicken or lean cuts of beef, fish, and turkey are rich sources of protein that are easily digested. So, this is just a safe way to get some nutrients. Avoid grilling or oils when cooking, if possible entirely. [8]