Help With Weight Loss
Obese or overweight people who are trying to lose weight may consider taking cold showers regularly. Here is the underlying mechanism: The body stores excess calories in white fat. We need to reduce the level of this substance to lose weight. In addition, there is another form of fat in the body called brown fat, which burns calories to help the body temperature remain stable. Cold temperatures can help activate the body to burn brown fat, which eventually helps get rid of excess calories and aid in losing weight. Scientists have found that people with higher levels of brown fat tend to have lower body mass indexes. [6]
Ease Muscle Soreness
While a hot shower increases blood flow to the skin, a cold shower may lead to vasoconstriction. It means that the blood vessels constrict and contract, which helps remove accumulated lactic that causes tired muscles. In addition, constriction would ease inflammation and reduce swelling. Athletes and physically active people may immerse the whole body in ice baths to minimize inflammation and speed up muscle recovery. Cold temperature may also help relieve pain and numb any discomfort caused by an injury. [7]