Food & Nutrition

The Differences Between Oysters and Clams

Differences between Oysters and Clams

The first difference is the living condition. Clams tend to live in freshwater. They are more mobile, often move around with muscle foot, and bury themselves under the water or in the mud. Oysters, on the other hand, can be found in saltwater. They mostly remain in the same area, especially a rock or hard surface underwater for the whole life.

Oysters have a rough and calcified shell, while the shell of clams is smoother and shiner. Most people find that clams taste briny and pungent. Both can be served as food, but the tenderness and taste of clams make it more favorite options in many countries. The taste of oysters is smoother and buttery. In addition, oysters can produce pearls, which is a mix of protein and calcium. [3]