Ailments & ConditionsYour Health

What is a Bruising?

Causes of Bruising

If you have unexplained bruises, then the cause might come from bumping some areas on a table, post, bed, or doorframe without noticing. Other possible causes of these spots include vehicle accidents, sports injuries, head injuries, concussions, muscle strain, ankle sprain, supplements, blows, or blood-thinning drugs. It is normal to have bruises after an injury, fall, burn, or cut. Similarly, you would expect a knot occurring in the bruised area. They basically form as a part of the natural healing process in the body. Nevertheless, if your wound reopens, bruises, and produces blood, clear liquid, or pus, make sure to visit a doctor immediately. It is a clear sign of an infection.

Some drugs would make you more prone to bruise as well. This is particularly true with cortisones and blood thinners. The risk is also higher in those people who take certain herbal supplements like fish oil because they have blood-thinning effects. [3]