Ailments & ConditionsYour Health

Misdiagnosis – Conditions that Mimic ADHD

Hearing Issues

It can be hard to diagnose hearing issues in young kids who do not know how to express themselves fully. Children with these problems tend to have a difficult time concentrating or paying attention due to the inability to hear correctly. Their lack of focus would lead to missing details during conversations when they actually cannot follow along. They would also have trouble interacting with other people in social situations and may not develop their communication techniques fully. [3]

Learning Problems

Similar to children with ADHD, kids with learning issues would have difficulty paying attention, remembering information, learning new things, organizing, and processing information. Learning disabilities in math, written language, and reading could affect their academic performance, as can language and speech impairments as well as visual and auditory processing disorders. It is important to know that specific learning problems and ADHD usually happen together, but they are actually separate conditions. [4]