Ailments & ConditionsYour Health

Guide on Getting A Colonoscopy

Before The Procedure:

Before a colonoscopy, it is expected that you make certain dietary adjustments since the bowel is supposed to be cleaned out. This is carried out so as to get clear visibility inside the colon during the procedure. It might help to let your doctor know of any medications you’re taking, because some drugs may alter the results of the test.

It is important to follow the instructions your physician would give, in order to achieve the desired result. Often, those instructions include the following:

— Few days before the exam, you should reduce your fiber intake. You can begin eating a low-fiber diet, rather than nuts and grains.

— The day before the test, avoid taking any solid food. Instead, drink plenty of clear fluids and liquids, for example, water, coffee, tea without milk, clear broth, and ice. Colored drinks and fluids should be avoided since they may reduce the visibility of the bowel.

— You may be asked to take a strong laxative to clear your bowels, which could be the unpleasant part due to its taste. [3]