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Facts about the Adrenal Glands

Hormones Released by Adrenal Glands

The adrenal glands release the following hormones into the bloodstream:

– Cortisol: This glucocorticoid hormone is released by the zona fasciculata. It plays some important roles, such as controlling blood pressure, suppressing inflammation, controlling the body’s use of carbs, proteins, and fats, reducing bone formation, and increasing blood sugar. Also, it can regulate the wake and sleep cycle. The body typically releases cortisol in response to stress to help you deal with an emergency and boost energy levels.

– Aldosterone: This is a mineralocorticoid hormone. It is released by the zona glomerulosa and helps control blood pressure, potassium, and sodium levels. The hormone transmits signals to kidneys to release potassium into the urine and absorb sodium into the bloodstream. This helps control levels of blood electrolytes and blood pH.

– Androgenic steroids and DHEA: These are weak male hormones released by the zona reticularis. They can be converted into estrogens in the ovaries or androgens in the testes.

– Noradrenaline and adrenaline: Both hormones are secreted by the adrenal medulla, the inner area of the adrenal gland. They have similar roles in triggering the fight or flight response. These include aiding in the metabolism of sugar or glucose, relaxing smooth muscles in the airway, increasing blood flow to the brain and muscles, and raising the force of heart contractions and heart rate. Also, they can help with regulating the squeezing of your blood vessels, as well as maintain and increase blood vessels in response to stress. Similar to other hormones released by adrenal glands, noradrenaline and adrenaline are typically produced when you feel stressed to provide more energy and resources for the body. [4]